Big Pee

TitleBig Pee
Release Date2019-01-27
DescriptionDiss against glitched like my famous songs Small Pee and Glitched is Fake, this was originally going to be a track for Aftermath and it is much better than the original where I tried too hard for a joke song
Your pee pee small
My pee pee big
You have a small pee
I have a big pee

Your pee is so small
That it makes me fall
Off a train like Prez did
Please now do my bidding
And eat a chicken wing
Then we can say ping
And follow it with a ding
Because you can't sing
Due to a small pee
Which isn’t big
Unlike my big pee
Your pee is small
Your pee pee small
My pee pee big
You have a small pee
I have a big peeYou might also like