Кота нула (интро) / Kota nula (intro)

TitleКота нула (интро) / Kota nula (intro)
ArtistБОЕН КЛУБ / Boen Klub
AlbumProekt Haos EP / Проект “Хаос” ЕР (2014)
Release Date(not set)
LyricsThis is it
The beginning
Ground zero
We have front row seats for this theatre of mass destruction
The Demolitions Committee of Project Mayhem wrapped the foundations
We had to kill the power
It looked like it was waiting to be torn down
Do you know what this means? - No, what does it mean?
On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. My job was to apply the formula
Yes, it’s very serious. Look, nobody takes this more seriously than me
Are there a lot of these kinds of accidents? - You wouldn't believe
It's all going down, man. So fuck off
We can make all kinds of explosives. It's all right here…You might also like