
ArtistDoug Anthony Allstars
AlbumDead & Alive
Release Date1993
Lyrics[PAUL Spoken: Why sell your body to science, when there are perfectly good necrophiliac societies around? Yeah, there's a funny thought, isn't it? And a funny word, too. Necrophiliac. Necrophilia. From the Greek, of course. "Necros" meaning "dead", and "philia", the verb "to fill". I notice when I say that word, necrophilia, a lot of the younger people down the front here visibly stiffen. A lot of the older people down the back there look a bit scared. And quite rightly so. What I'm talking to you young people about, tonight is passive necrophilia. Passive necrophilia, that's right. You die, consequently you become the more submissive partner, or the "passive necrophiliac". I mean, let's think about it, you've been fucked over in this life. Why not get fucked over in the next? Think of someone else's pleasure for a change, after all, it's not gonna kill ya. And, why? 'Cause you're dead already. You don't have to worry about what you look like, if your hair's the right colour, if ya teeth are all skanky, if your body's the right shape. Nothing bothers you anymore. You don't have to worry about all— Uh, sorry, um. You don't have to worry about the... thing you do before m— You don't have to worry about... Oh, God what's it called? You don't have to worry about, uh, foreplay! Why'd I forget that?]

[TIM Spoken: You always do]

[PAUL Spoken: Yeah, anyway well, um. I've had these little cards printed up. Uh, there you go, "In case of death, please contact a sick, perverted corpse grinder". Just in case anyone gets knocked over on the way home. So I'll just hand those out. Now, come on kids, let's think about it. Passive necrophilia: Isn't it about time we all came out of the coffin?]

Passive necrophilia
Rigor mortis makes me hard, hey!
[TIM Spoken: I would now like to sing a little song entitled "Oh, My Boy Lollipop Uh-Ah-Ah-Oh, You Make My Heart Go Beeeep"]

[PAUL Spoken: That's the last song that Freddie Mercury ever sang... Aw, you didn't know him, you didn't know him]

[TIM Spoken: I went to school with a young boy by the name of Michael Hunt. We nicknamed him... Fuckhead!
Damn, look I'd like to give you all a quick mental test now. Listening very carefully, I will keep it short because I don't want to piss anybody off. "I cannot see, I cannot wave, I am not a man, and yet I shave." Can't see, can't wave, not a man, yet I shave. What am I? Thinking, thinking. A blind cripple woman with a hairy back!]You might also like