ArtistPerfect Pussy
AlbumI Have Lost All Desire for Feeling
Release Date2013-04-25
DescriptionIV sounds like the release of a ton of bottled up aggression, in an almost cathartic way. Finally, at the end of the tape, the self-deprecating, frustrated vocals win temporary control over the instruments.

Singer (shouter?) Meredith Graves' “Ha ha ha, I deserve to be hurt like that, ha ha ha it’s so funny isn’t it?” is so crazed and mocking, and makes the song sound even more unhinged.

The song takes a quick instrumental break before returning with a greater intensity, and concluding with a triumphant “fuck you” before dissolving into a fuzzy, indecipherable haze.
LyricsI've been talking shit about your friend
I've been lying to get attention
Thankfully, none of it ever happened
Nothing ever really happens

I have a habit of telling extravagant lies;
Ask anyone, they'll tell you
So why didn't I come forward?
Why didn't I?

Ha ha ha, I deserve to be hurt like that
Ha ha ha, it's so funny, isn't it?
Oh, why didn't I come forward?
It's not your fault that I didn't feel safe
I'm a real piece of shit, I'm a real lost cause
Dare to act like you're surviving and get thrown to the dogs
Every dog deserves forgiveness, no matter who he bit
I'm a real lost cause
I'm a real piece of shit

There's no room in this world for people who hate men
I can't warn the next one 'cause I can't get out of bed
I've been lying to get attention
I've been lying and lying
I think I'll just stay home forever this time

We're not standing in the back
We're safest near the exit
Because god knows you'd burn a witch to warm your hands
Support your brothers
Disregard survivors
Close your heart forever
What else can you do?
There's no room in this world for people who hate men
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