Et si on rentrait ?

TitleEt si on rentrait ?
ArtistThe Burmese Days
AlbumThe Great Depression of Sutra
Release Date2021-12-20
DescriptionThis storyline is the game changer which created the whole album. It’s a deja-vu plot about a hero bring back to life, something I hate usually in mainstream comic book because they don’t dare to kill their Captain America or Superman and stop to sell merchandising.
But in The Captains, after Kharma/Kévin come back to life, nothing stay the same as before. Without knowing what he saw in the afterlife you guess that he became adult too fast, realizing the bad human nature and desesperate future of our civilizations.
I originally create the main harmony on a tiny toy instrument by accident. Then, when I was looking for a main theme to this album, I kept thoses chords and rearranged with tons of orchestral instruments.
The song is pretty classic but I wanted to keep one song, the one with the hero theme, on a classical structure, building the main part more and more stronger with only a “rap” part at the end to break the monotony.

The song was mainly inspired by The Great Gate of Kiev by Mussorgsky.
Jude show me this song when we were thinking about epic classical music and it was perfect. The way the main part come back everytime, stronger than the last one and how it somehow present in the whole Pictures at an Exhibition truly inspired The Great Depression of Sutra. Both albums share this idea of painting in music.

The title in french means “What if we go back home ?”. I originally wrote it for a serie of drawing with “What if ?” titles. And this one keep haunting me cause it sounds very naive and simple but can mean a lot. It’s the question of your lover who saw you too drunk at a party night, it’s the end of the fun or maybe the last chance to save yourself before things turn bad.
LyricsUne simple mission de routine en deux coups de pinceau se dit Thomas
Escorter quelqu’un de très important dans un endroit très secret
Pas de collants mais uniquement des costumes 3 pièces, car tous les héros ne portent pas de capes mais les escrocs ont toujours une cravate
Nous avions enfin réussi à t’oublier, pourquoi cache tu-donc maintenant le soleil ?

Come back to the Erebus
I saw our leaders look like us but richеr
Dont tell me about this world or I'm gone again
Why has еveryone here lost a damn eye ?

Who who who is the next one to get power ?
Responsibilities mean blood on your tongue
You deserve the dystopia you avoid
Lying is a sport and we're the champions
All I can fight now is trolls behind their screens
We've lost too many battles and still have to smile
I'm tired Ben can we get back home ?
Tonight all I want is to hold you like in the good times

«And I tried you know, to fit in somewhere
That's when I met Superman
There's no way he could be dead, he's Superman, the Man in Steel himself
He.. there's no way, he can't be dead
I like to consider myself to be a historian of Superman and a keeper of artefacts
There's a place where dreams are made, and dreams are broken
He's always had to fight for everything
But he usually tends to get angry other things that he cannot control
I've never seen someone so taken in by. It's like he's suffocating in the world of Superman... Suffocating, no. He has suffocated, he cannot breath anymore
"Hey man the Hulk is not a black man", and I be like "Well, he is if you are in Hollywood"
You know how sometimes, you almost having a conversation with yourself. It's almost like, you're a little nuts
I don't want to be angry, I want to be happy
It's only the bad people that I get mad at. They need to be beaten down to open their eyes. »

Come come come back to the Ahket, there were Laurent and Joel, they said "Hi" to you (Come back)
I saw our poorer down in the street and they thought of the year after they lived free (I saw)
Don't tell me I'm gone again, oh God, can I keep some friends for once ? (Don't tell)
Why is everyone here ? Why does everyone feel asleep ? Is this a ghost story ? (Why ?)

All I can do now is to fight back, I don't walk for salt but I can run for gold (All I)
We lost too many smiles, and in your eyes a red ocean is about to pour out (We lost)
I'm tired of home, i'm tired of home but at least they won't bomb this side cause we made the bombs (I'm tired)
Tonight all i want is you (Tonight)
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