Disfigured Anonymity

TitleDisfigured Anonymity
ArtistTrigger The Bloodshed
AlbumThe Great Depression
Release Date(not set)
LyricsWith a sterile perception of a reformation that was made through a cell
A sympathy assumed to those who are society's decrepit ones
A pseudo being accepted, before a truth exposed to all
Protected by those protecting

Failure to abide, outside our
Failure to atone outside of our protection
You should have been thrown, outcast, directly to the lions
Without thought or despair, an extradition to real justice
A suited ghost existence void of numbers and statistics
A scarring alteration, a sign of what you truly are
Disfigured then released, forever recognized by none
But recognized, by all who behold your monstrous figure
Your figure
Entrapped, by an advert for your ever sickening state of mind
Left in scorn, abolished and adhorred
Removing skin and flesh
Scraping out your putrid tissue
Remold your facial form with nails and screws drilled deep into your skull
Into your skull, rebuild to reform
Your wounds stitched deeply scarring, you're true identity
Cast back to this world with disfigured anonymity
Mutilated dilapidated remanence
Eternally incarcerated by your violations to this earthYou might also like