Shadow of the Swastika

TitleShadow of the Swastika
AlbumThe Lay of Thrym
Release Date(not set)
DescriptionThis song was written by the members of Týr to counter claims that their focus on Pagan lyrics showed that they were supporters of the Nazi ideology and other roots of nationalism and extremism, while also criticising said radicals who appropriated their music.

The band members explained what the song was about in an interview in 2011:

“Terji: Yeah! And that’s basically why we wrote the song, because some people think we are Nazi’s and whatever, fascist.

Gunnar: so this is a big fuck you for them!

Terji: Yeah, Because we are definitely not.

Gunnar: Yeah we had some trouble a while back with a German guy who wrote a lot of stuff about us, and it came all over the media and it was totally misunderstood. Our point of
view was misunderstood by him and he was calling us Nazi’s.“
LyricsYou who think the hue of your hide means you are to blame
And your father's misdeeds are his son's to carry in shame
Not mine I'll take no part
You can shove the sins of the your father where no light may pass
And kiss my Scandinavian ass

Pages of the past
How long will they last?
A lie lost in the legacy of fools left us this parody unsurpassed
Pages of the past
How long will they last?
The shadow of the Swastika by fools' fears now for far too long has been cast
You who think the hue of your hide means you get to blame
The black for your own faults and so bring humanity shame
Make sure you count me out of the ranks of your inbred morons
With your sewer gas and kiss my Scandinavian ass

Pages of the past
How long will they last?
A lie lost in the legacy of fools left us this parody unsurpassed
Pages of the past
How long will they last?
The shadow of the Swastika by fools' fears now for far too long has been cast

Pages of the past
How long will they last?
A lie lost in the legacy of fools left us this parody unsurpassed
Pages of the past
How long will they last?
The shadow of the Swastika by fools' fears now for far too long has been castYou might also like